日本(にほん)の 地中海(ちちゅうかい)と 呼(よ)ばれる 瀬戸内(せとうち)エリア(えりあ)で,サステナブル(さすてなぶる)な 暮(く)らしをしている 3人(にん)の ライフスタイル(らいふすたいる)を ご紹介(しょうかい)します。
申込(もうしこみ)締(し)め切(き)り 3月(がつ)1日(にち) 火曜日(かようび) 18:00
日時(にちじ):3月(がつ)1日(にち) 火曜日(かようび) 19:00~20:00
Featuring 3 people living sustainable lifestyle in Setouchi area, known as Japanese Mediterranean
Have you considered migrating to rural area of Japan to achieve your ideal sustainable life?
Because of the lower price of the real estate and place compared to the city, there’re more opportunities to start making crops in garden, renovating the old house, and living politely while feeling four seasons in Japan.
Hiroshima is a great place to settle to and begin a new life offering unique landscapes, a rich and diverse environment, and new and exciting opportunities.
Three guests living in Hiroshima will share their lifestyle, experiences of moving to rural area, and the cases of international people who make their ideal sustainable lifestyle come true.